ECHO Autism in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
What is ECHO®?
Project ECHO® (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) teleECHO™ clinics combine mentoring and patient case presentations to create a virtual learning network through hub-and-spoke knowledge-sharing networks. TeleECHO clinics are conducted using basic, widely available videoconferencing technology, allowing clinicians to join from anywhere. During teleECHO clinics, Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) from multiple sites present patient cases, discuss new developments relating to their patients, and determine treatment.
The central hub is comprised of specialists, who serve as mentors and colleagues, sharing their knowledge and expertise with other Behavior Analysts. Essentially, ECHO creates ongoing learning communities where BCBAs receive support and on-going professional development opportunities to improve the quality of care they provide to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The ECHO model™ is an innovative system that expands professionals’ knowledge and increased confidence in treating children with ASD through the following key components:
- Utilizing technology to leverage scarce behavioral health resources
- Providing frequent didactic trainings on best practice ABA Treatment
- Facilitating professional case presentations representing complex cases of ASD
- Focusing on outcome measurement and utilizing outcome data to contribute to research in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis

ECHO Autism in Applied Behavior Analysis
The mission of ECHO Autism in Applied Behavior Analysis is to improve the standards of ABA treatment in rural and underserved communities. We are committed to:
- Improving the quality of ABA treatment for children with ASD by disseminating best practices and reducing practice variance in behavior analysis
- Increasing the capacity of BCBAs by establishing an effective platform for distance training and mentoring
- Improving BCBAs ability to assess treatment barriers that prohibit a family from accessing or fully utilizing ABA Treatment and achieving optimal child outcomes
- Improving the quality of care by achieving a coordinated approach to treating ASD across professional domains
Who Should Participate?
ECHO Autism in Applied Behavior Analysis is currently open to all individuals with a BCaBA, BCBA, BCBA-D, or students pursuing their certification.
Participants have the opportunity to earn BACB Continuing Education Credits (CEUs). In addition, students pursuing certification have the ability to accrue hours to meet the experience requirements, per the BACB Guidelines.