Spring Activities To Support New Skills

Happy Spring, BCI Families!

Spring holidays bring many opportunities for fun and learning! Your family may be thinking of attending an Egg Hunt or are planning on having one at home. In preparation for family fun like this, your BCI clinician can help develop programming to support following instructions, waiting their turn, sharing with others, and using common social skills like greetings. Your BCI clinician and RBT can also set up practice opportunities so that your child has a chance to practice these family fun activities before the day of the event.

Common spring activities are wonderful opportunities to teach and generalize skills in a fun and natural way. When planning your spring activities, keep the following skills in mind. If your child would benefit from practicing these skills, then include your BCI team to make the most of the many opportunities Spring presents!

Dying Eggs

  • Following Instructions- 1-step and multi-step
  • Impulse Control- waiting to touch, waiting for the eggs to dye
  • Daily Living Skills– measuring, stirring, and timing
  • Communication– requesting what they want

Egg Hunts

  • Sharing– allowing other kids to have some eggs as well
  • Impulse Control– waiting their turn, not grabbing from others
  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills– picking up eggs gently, placing in a basket, balancing a basket in one hand and bending over for other eggs

Flying Kites

  • Gross and Fine motor skills– running, turning the string
  • Turn Taking– allowing others to try
  • Tolerating Difficult tasks
  • Asking for Help

🌸 Sweet Spring Craft Ideas 🌸